Smart Meters operate wirelessly by pulsing radio frequencies every few seconds, 24-hours per day. They cannot be turned off. This RF is the type of radiation produced by cell phones and microwaves. The utility providers openly admit that this is the same technology, but at a much lower level. However, they omit that you will not only be affected by the device operating at your house, but you will be within range of all of your neighbors Smart Meters. The more neighbors you have increases your exposure to the device radiation.
Across the country people are experiencing heath problems from Smart Meters. Many people have sensitivity to electronic radiation and will suffer ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sleep disruption, headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, skin cancers and fatigue. There are numerous studies that link cancer to exposure of RF radiation. Not to mention that these devices can interfere with pace makers and other medical equipment inside of the home.
Most people are aware of the health risks posed by cell phones and microwaves and these devices are not generally run 24-hours per day. As a consumer you have the right to not use these devices, however you do not have the option with Smart Meters. Tests have been performed to prove that Smart Meter radiation is penetrating the exterior walls and can be found at constant and persistent levels within the interior of the home.